Secrets on walking the path to God
My secrets of walking with God and the incredible journey with the Son of God as he opens my eyes to guide me to God.
I did not think about going down this road of walking with God despite growing up within a Christian-labelled household and attending a church throughout my childhood. For most of my life, I had no idea who God was and neither did I have any interest in finding out. To walk with God was never something in my thoughts or dreams, even for a fleeting moment.
The society and church where I was raised fostered men and women whose predominant thoughts were focused on their sexual desires. It was a society born and persisted in captivity of their carnal desires. Everyone from their youth was obsessed with conquering the opposite sex. Tragically, so much time is wasted on an endeavour that will defile oneself and hamper many aspects of living an unencumbered future.
The minds would do better to focus on the more important things—the things of God.
The inevitable question is, why is society so skewed towards evil but outwardly claims to pursue God?
Religion was a chore that I was forced to do as a youth. It had no value; undoubtedly, many others viewed it similarly. It was a superficial activity emphasising “Christian” rituals—practices, events, thoughts, etc., without meaning and purpose. While mentioned often, God was a tool that never went beyond the trivial; never any depth provided that would foster intense thoughts and conversations.
It was an ocean of nothing, with the teachers using the powerful yet subtle art of repetitive brainwashing to immobilise and disillusion the congregation. They teach doctrines that capture the minds and cause the congregation to sit in passivity, following with firm conviction while disregarding the Word of God.
The walk of life confronts everyone with a decision of whether to go along or forge a different path. Figuring out the right way, to put it mildly, is impossible. Nevertheless, we must all choose a path since we must all move forward. Walking in the footprint in the snow is easier, but the correct path is not always easy or popular.
The way must be chosen on principle and a “philosophy of life”, which I did.
I do not like the world; thus, there was no incentive to choose it. The world is despicable, where the love of money has destroyed the moral fibre and promoted hypocrisy masked as benevolence. The masses wear a facade of virtue, but in their hearts, they are ravenous wolves devouring everyone in their paths for an extra penny.
Starting the walk with God
At the start of my walk with God, the two key factors I required were:
God had to be opposite to the world
He must have demonstrable power to defeat this world
Opposite to the World
I saw people consumed with greed, deceit, lust and wickedness everywhere. They never take a break or miss a beat in their obsession with acquiring material possessions. No morality exists; everything is up for sale to receive monetary gains. The sheer thrust on getting money and fulfilling carnal desires is on the level of insanity. We live in a blinkered world chasing an illusion and unable to see that it is an effort in futility.
The God I choose must be different from the world around me. The world is not what I want, and to continue the quest for the flesh is the same as accepting death. It is better to end this suffering than to inhabit a world bent on destroying the body and the soul for trinkets.
The God of Power
Religions came calling when I was awakened to the reality that there must be more to life than what I saw around me. They all claimed that they were the right way to God. Like whores they tout their wares, all with subtle and soft lips tugging on my shirt sleeves to enter their dens of fornication.
Still, why not?
Although religions claim power through their gods and gurus, I have yet to see this power manifest in the lives of their followers. All I have seen is the indulgence in the world and following its systems in the pursuit of money. There was no power on display in these man-made institutions but only comfort for the fearful members while pickpocketing them using adrenaline rushes and fear.
Those who lead these institutions are destined for destruction (Mark 10:23)
The God I sought was not in these institutions, but he found me outside in my despair. I was like a reed blowing in the wind; I knew not whether I was coming or going. If he hadn’t found me and demonstrated his power, I would have been lost with dull eyes that could lead to destruction.
God manifested his power by completely transforming my life in front of the world. My thoughts, actions, desires and joys all changed beyond recognition. The change is so evident that a blind dog could see the Spirit emanating from my bones.
Some “Christians”, despite the scriptures describing this same event, denied my transformation through envy. God has done for me what he hadn’t done for them. Indeed, I submitted while they didn’t.
God subsequently manifested even more power by covering and showing me that he was real, a power so sublime that the peace which enveloped me was like no other. All worldly thoughts dissipated like smoke ascending in the crosswinds of a Texas plain. Peace like no other, with all my worries disappearing in an exhale.
This power breeds conviction and submission.
The Lies of the World
I heard the words spoken in the world about the God of heaven, saying he is cruel, malignant, misogynistic and a terrible being. Having checked for myself through His Word, I found this false. He was the opposite.
There are amazing promises offered.
13. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.John 14:13-14 (KJV)
He offered to grant anything you asked as long as you asked in his name. The easiest way to see the demonstration of his power is to ask something in his name. Nonetheless, the world does not want to ask, having to walk under his authority, since doing so will mean they must abandon their sins and their life.
He is the opposite of the god of this world, who is wanton with sin and offers nothing good. Despite having nothing good to offer, the world flocks to him without fear of consequence. Living like this means hating your brother and your neighbour, where dogs replace the companionship of human beings.
Nobody can be trusted in this cesspool of the love of money breeding all evils.
Ask In his NAME
His name is to operate under his authority. To abide by his will, instructions, laws, commandments and nature. To pursue his goal and not your own.
His commandments instruct us not to tempt (test) God (Matthew 4:7, Deuteronomy 6:16, Exodus 17:2, Exodus 20:7), but this is irrelevant if we submit to his desires. Ask not what God can do for you but what you can do to fulfil his will.
Jesus glorified God when resurrecting Lazarus through the power of God (John 11:40-44). We also are to glorify God by shining our lights as branches of the tree, Jesus.
God clears every obstacle and guides you, so long as you have the discipline to keep his commandments and operate under his name, and he will manifest himself to you (John 14:20-21).
The experience
God’s revelations to those who serve him can be overwhelming, and sometimes the rollercoaster ride gets too much. After seeing the poisoned hearts, the greed, corruption and the extent of the beast that has wrapped this world, I took a breath to assimilate and continued walking with him.
I see the daily attack on God every day and the spewing of Baali (Hosea 2:16) from the mouths in such blasphemous and vile disregard. It saddens my heart to hear and see the disrespect of the Highest and the mass death march of souls (Isaiah 5:14).
This journey is daunting, and we all seek solace in the crowd at some point. I sought comfort in walking with others, but the constant and firm nudge of the Spirit in my heart led elsewhere. His voice was soft and gentle but persistent, saying I should not take this course. I understand now that the voice of God is always in line with his Word, and any other voice is a liar. This voice made it clear that walking alone would be the fate I had to endure.
The Call
One evening, I was about to order a takeaway. It is convenient and easy, offering various cuisines that excite the palate and satiate the stomach. I had been on the journey of separation for a while, but I did not know how much God wanted me to separate from the world.
I asked God for direction, requesting direct intervention if this is what is required. Let it be that I cannot speak with this takeaway establishment if this is what you want. After dialling, confident that the matter was out of my hands and in God’s hands, the phone rang twice, then disconnected. I looked at the phone, completely stunned, which read, “couldn’t connect”. I dialled again, but it didn’t ring this time; it just said it couldn’t connect.
God demonstrated his power by answering my prayer. In my heart, I was committed to doing whatever he asked of me in total submission to his will. No matter how the “real-world” logic rationalises this experience, it was clear that this God was real and powerful.
God specified what to eat in his commands. And even though I thought the food I was about to order was in line with this, he had different ideas. There is something about these foods, possibly the ingredients, that do not conform to the instructions of God.
Am I righteous?
I have sinned many times on this journey, but I have purposed in my heart with determination to walk the path set before me by God. I have repented with sincerity, and I walk following his word. He has rewarded me with wisdom and has opened my eyes to the utter depravity of this world. The hearts of men and the state of this world are as black as Night.
I will call his name Ishi and not Baali—be damned all who oppose Him and his servants
I follow the Sun—the bright morning star, where I do not stumble and work during the day.