The huge misconception of how to know Jesus
Obedience is better than sacrifice is the cornerstone of knowing Jesus; He is obedient to his father which is paramount above all else.
Knowing Jesus is the most important endeavour you can ever undertake in your life. But how do we know Jesus and how do we know that our life is guided by him?
There is lie floating around that law is abolished. It is insidious and has made itself into accepted doctrine within Christianity. How could this be possible that if the law are the commands of God they are abolished? Of course, we are saved by grace and not by the law, but does this allow us to sin by breaking the law?
Obedience to God is paramount and therefore anyone who teaches breaking the law is disobedient to God. Jesus never taught this and his life is the example of how we must navigate this world.
In 1 Peter 4:16, the word Christian is the Greek Χριστιανός, transliterated as Christianós. It means "a kinsman (relative) of the Anointed-One (the Messiah, also called Christ)". In Mark 3:33-35 Jesus finished saying: “For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother”. This resounding statement must not be ignored because to know Jesus or to be grafted in to Israel is to become a relative of Jesus.
In conclusion, the only way to pursue “a relationship” with the Son of God must be done through doing the will of his Father. There is no other way. Do not sin and believe you are excused; what makes you any different from the heathen?
Those who refuse to accept this simple truth will inevitably taste the undiluted wrath of God.