The Degenerate Downfall of the World
A descent into degeneracy and idiocy is what we are faced with in the world today on an epic scale. The world has abandoned what truly matters for delusional wisdom of children.
What does it mean to be wise?
adjectivehaving experience, knowledge, and good judgement.
Experience and knowledge are acquired over time, but to show good judgment (the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions) is to apply intelligence (the ability to reason) upon the foundation of “good”.
So He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
Matthew 19:17 NKJV
How, then, are so many influencers roaming social media, advising without having the ability to reason and possessing neither experience nor knowledge through their few years on earth? What qualifies them to give anyone any advice whatsoever on anything of substance?
Having a traumatic experience, playing a game, having relationships, or having few experiences in their short lives, a life built on many falsehoods, cannot justify “babes of knowledge” speaking to a broad audience spouting erroneous wisdom.
While the world burns, people chase their lusts and inversely justify their desires against what is right. They party, drink, make memes, open their quivers for every arrow (sexual immorality), chase money, and celebrate materialism. Alongside this, WhatsApp is flooded with updates from idiots who have no idea what they are saying or the consequences of the information they are spreading.
She will open her mouth, as a thirsty traveller when he hath found a fountain, and drink of every water near her: by every hedge will she sit down, and open her quiver against every arrow.
The basis for the foundation of the world is already polluted with the quest for money over humankind. Many participate without understanding that they should buck the trend and establish a new order if they endeavour to establish a new sustainable world. Alas, there is little wisdom, and the wise are few while the work is so much (Matthew 9:37-38).
To liberate the nations from the grip of this insanity, the unwise need to be diminished while the wise need to be exalted. This tumultuous, mountainous task is achievable. However, as individuals, we must take up the challenge to instantiate change in our sphere of influence, starting with our lives. Nevertheless, despite the challenge, an avalanche cannot be started without the first snowflake.
The Source of Wisdom
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shalt be no priest to me: seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.
Where do we obtain wisdom to lead and not fall into the same imbecility we often see today? Hosea 4:6 clarifies the necessity for God to act in our lives and demonstrates his relationship to knowledge. God says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge,” outlining the consequence of lack of knowledge—destruction. Then, he proceeds to say that the rejection of knowledge, which is the forgetting of his law, has a direct consequence of God rejecting you and your lineage. The laws of God are the basis of knowledge and the basis of enlisting wisdom from God in your life.
God → Wisdom → Law
God’s rejection of these people resulted in their destruction. The people’s rejection of the law, its morality and unity, indicating that they no longer wish to serve God, resulted in their destruction due to the absence of the source of Wisdom. The law itself has wisdom, but more is happening here through God's hand.
This verse establishes the foundation for restoring a society by serving God and keeping his laws. Why, then, do the institutions that claim to be representatives of God, including Christianity, teach the total opposite of this instruction? An objective deductive line of reasoning brings anyone seeking the truth to the following conclusion. These institutions and religions do not serve God.
Final Thoughts
For a society to prosper, its inhabitants must cooperate. Trust and an underlying vein of integrity must exist for this cooperation to occur. The law aligns and guides the actions of both the leaders and the members of the society.
God’s law is crucial to the liberation of this world from the stranglehold of “the love of money” and the destructive anti-Christ—anti-God ways of the devil and his minions roaming the earth.
There is no liberation without God and the crucial and fundamental human interaction ways he has prescribed.
The wise must insist on leadership, and the unwise should humble themselves and learn. The unwise must be brought to the point where they can appreciate their foolishness.
22. And there will be much contention on the eve of [His advent and] His approach.
23. And in those days many will love office, though devoid of wisdom.
24. And there will be many lawless elders, and shepherds dealing wrongly by their own sheep, and they will ravage (them) owing to their not having holy shepherds.
25. And many will change the honour of the garments of the saints for the garments of the covetous, and there will be much respect of persons in those days and lovers of the honour of this world.The Ascension of Isaiah 3:22-25